We want to inspire 7,865,675,986 people and awaken in them the belief that, together, we can do unimaginable things.
Another agency?
There are several definitions for creativity, but one of those we like the most states that a creative person is, above all, someone who looks for solutions to problems. No matter where or the name of the place where you work.
Companies, brands, causes, and people have never had so many new challenges, and it is undeniable that communication and creativity are fundamental in trying to solve many of them.
Today, many people are annoyed by the name "agency".
We talk about it a lot. Honestly, there is no better name, and the issue is not the name. It often lies in the dissatisfaction with the relationship between client and agency. We decided to spend our time looking for ways to improve this relationship rather than looking for a new name.
Who are you?
André Barros
Followers can be more than curious people, as they can be voices that generate transformation.
Likes, shares, and comments can be more than vanity tools. They can be the means to educate the algorithms for good. Having the opportunity to transform the world for good while telling good stories is what makes me happy about GiveBack.
Mônica Sweet
Optimistic by nature, my inspiration is a more regenerative and cooperative future world.I believe that, together, we can make changes and have a measurable, positive impact through communication. Ecstatic to be working with a fantastic group of people to drive the imperative changes that our planet so desperately needs. Let’s do this together?
Rui Branquinho
I would do this for the rest of my life.
I know it may seem too definite, but this was the feeling I was looking for every time I came across a work opportunity. And that is the feeling I have had since we started designing GiveBack.
What is different about you?
Picking this name was no accident.
It's past time to accept that we all have a fundamental role in trying to solve society's major challenges in a practical way. This is our focus. We want to come together with those who also think like this and seek new possibilities to do more and, if they still don't do it, those who want to start doing it.
Responsible brands deserve to be recognized and prioritized by consumers. They can inspire and, at the same time, pressure other brands to act in the same way.
We will work for and with people and companies that are aware of this urgency and willing to give back.
Society at large and the planet deserve to get back part of what we have accomplished thanks to what has been given to us.
But, since the road to hell is paved with good intentions, our first initiative is: 20% of our financial results will be donated to a pre-defined, publicly-announced project every year.

We are proud to say that we are also part of the 1% For The Planet and we have applied to be a BCorp.
How come you will only have one client?
The World.
It may sound unusual, vague, or even romantic, but this helps us define which projects we get involved in or which initiatives make sense.
If the project doesn't have any direct benefit to the world, it's not for us. We always expect measurable results from the communication projects we are involved in.  

‘Noes’ are hard in the start of any enterprise, but they help us to keep focused.
Who already knows you?
Who already knows you?
Damien Poulain
"I felt the identity needed to be rounded and circular to evoke our relation to the planet..."
Gisele Bündchen
"Bringing cool people together to work for a greater purpose is a formula for success."
Who believes in our purpose.
Who believes in our purpose.
I’m not sureI got this right.
This is also one of our goals: To make you feel curious and have more questions, l so that you want to learn more about us.
Let’s talk some more? Actually, we’d rather listen more to see if and how we can help you.
Gisele Bündchen
"Juntar gente bacana para trabalhar por um propósito maior é uma fórmula de sucesso. Acredito que precisamos pensar em negócios que sejam sustentáveis e tenham um impacto positivo para a humanidade e para o planeta. As empresas terão que repensar seus reais propósitos. E a GiveBack pode dar uma ajudinha.
Conheço o Branquinho há muitos anos e é um cara muito legal! Quando tive a ideia do projeto Viva a Vida para plantar árvores, ele prontamente nos ajudou a tirar a ideia do papel e transformá-la em uma linda plataforma para arrecadarmos árvores e regenerar a nossa natureza, e tudo em tempo recorde.
Arrecadamos muito mais do que doações, movimentamos as pessoas em torno de uma causa e plantamos uma sementinha do bem.
Espero que a GiveBack também possa lhe ajudar a plantar a sua."
Damien Poulain
"Senti que a identidade precisava ser arredondada e circular para evocar nossa relação com os planetas e o fato de que fazemos parte de um sistema natural interconectado.
Como eu havia viajado recentemente para o Brasil, fechei os olhos e fiz um esboço das minhas impressões sobre o país; adicionando as cores que moldaram a minha experiência, onde a natureza está no coração de qualquer cidade ou lugar. As cores são os elos entre os elementos naturais, do mar, ao solo, até o resplandecente sol amarelo."
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